Find Your Stride, FEEL The Difference.
I had the privilege of working with my dearest friend Joan Willms when she invited me to her farm to be a willing participant in the FEEL (Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning®) program through her new business, Turquoise Tohi. My first thought was…oh no! I didn’t want a therapy lesson!
After a few heated discussions with myself, I decided to jump in. What the heck, where was I going during COVID-19? I had time! I had 4 lessons with two horses and the "AHA!" moment was revealed in my third lesson when Jackson, the horse, didn’t understand what I wanted him to do. He stood there, looking at me. I had arrived that morning stressed and confused, and the horse knew it. The lesson consisted of stops, starts and mixed signals from me. The energy wasn’t flowing. It was one of those off days, and I thought the lesson was a failure. However, Joan gently indicated it was quite the opposite. The horse revealed something about myself.
"Change can happen in a heartbeat or it can be a process."
I remember years ago, my spiritual mentor told me change can happen in a heartbeat or it can be a process. This day, I experienced change in a heartbeat and everything was very clear to me. Like someone clearing the path for me, guiding me in the right direction. My change happened in a heartbeat with this magnificent horse. It was not a therapy session; it was empowerment like I have never experienced before. As I drove home, my career and life flashed in my head like photographs. This session unlocked suppressed memories and emotions I never knew were there. Can you guess what was revealed? Hesitancy.
I highly recommend booking a session to discover the power of present awareness.