Grow Green & Be Clean. Be Kind.

Grow Green & Be Clean. Be Kind.

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and motivated despite COVID-19. One thing is for sure, we have to keep moving forward! 

I would like to share my experience as a business owner during the 3 month lockdown. It has been a very interesting time. Many doors have opened, some have closed and the necessary adjustments are sometimes uncomfortable. My incredible and tough sales mentors, (who taught me early in my career) would say: Take responsibility, live with it and move on!

As some of you may know, I started Grow Green Gardening with the intention of selling garden plots to those who have never gardened and the plan was to provide education, workshops, recipe exchanges and asking some experts such as chefs, local organic farmers and natural meat companies to visit the property and engage in some interesting discussions. It would have been a great time to meet other people and kids would have been busy with their own little gardens.

Everyone would have been enjoying a day in the country and relaxing.

COVID-19 decided it wasn’t going to happen and my plan was only partially realized. Instead of complaining (which sometimes makes me feel better), I moved forward and planted all 10 garden plots.


Billy, my partner, built the garden beds, we carried 11 loads of top soil to each garden bed and away we went…planting our hearts out!

Have a look at some of these pics, especially the tomato plants. Some of this produce will go to Food Banks, some will be sold online and some of it we will eat. The taste of a fresh picked tomato is a real treat! All the seeds and transplants were organic including the top soil that is rich in nutrients.

I had help from Marjo at Niemi Farms and my dear friend Google. The process of planting, watering, researching plant spacing / plant companions and watching our garden grow was a magnificent journey! I loved every dirty minute and I highly recommend it. 

Stay tuned! 


COVID-19 has certainly made so many of us fearful; it is a stealth and sneaky virus, and the question remains: what’s next? It is certainly a moving target and the uncertainty is very stressful.

While watching and listening to updates, I realized how fearful Moms are to send their children back to school in September. So I sat and thought…what would I want for my kids if I were a young Mom in today’s pandemic? What could my kids take to school with them everyday to ensure their safety and hygiene?

I created a safety kit for kids called: Be Clean. Be Kind. It is packaged with 8 products, educational and useful for kids to learn to Be Clean and Be Kind. I wanted to make it fun and encourage kids to engage in their little lives.

It’s amazing to witness the resiliency of children and what they can teach the adult world. We have to listen.

We are proud and committed to supporting child health by donating $2.00 from the sale of every be Clean. Be Kind. Kit to SickKids Foundation .

And finally...remember that rewarding your employees during this time is of the utmost importance. A little something to say thank you and we’re thinking about you will be reciprocated in incredible ways such as productivity and happy employees. We have many items at every price point to make the home workplace a little brighter and raise spirits.  A Be Clean. Be Kind. kit would be a very thoughtful gift and much appreciated by those employees who have children.


 Until next time. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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